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    RightBTC is a leading global digital assets management platform. By leveraging a multiple risk control system, our professional team strictly screens digital assets that have higher investment value at home and abroad. Moreover, we are committed to constantly introducing an excellent variety of investments in accordance with our in-depth understanding in finance and blockchain. We aim to help investors allocate their digital assets more reasonably.


    In the RIGHTBTC platform, TRON’s trading volume occupies an important percentage of the entire RIGHTBTC platform, investors and enthusiasts who also see digital cryptocurrencies have a significant demand for TRON. The crypto exchange is the simplest direct contact with token holders. For this purpose, we will allow more users to trade TRON’s tokens by returning transaction fees for users holding TRON tokens, and we will also conduct regular airdrop activities to attract more users to pay attention to TRON.


    RightBTC’s community is focused on RightBTC users including people interested in digital currency, individual investors, institutional investors, analysts, etc. As mentioned above,we will provide transaction fee refund and regular airdrop activities. Also, we will consider the projects based on TRON blockchain to promote them to list on our platform in the future.